UCSF Neurosurgery COVID-19 Resources
During the COVID-19 pandemic, faculty in the UCSF Department of Neurological Surgery have published guidelines and webinars for the neurosurgical community. Check back here for updates on our experience and best practices, as well as future webinars for physicians.
Our faculty also continue to see new patients and offer peer-to-peer consults for physicians. Contact our clinics for video visits or professional consults.
Letter: The Coronavirus Disease 2019 Global Pandemic: A Neurosurgical Treatment Algorithm.
Burke JF, Chan AK, Mummaneni V, Chou D, Lobo EP, Berger MS, Theodosopoulos PV, Mummaneni PV.
Neurosurgery. 2020 Apr 3. pii: nyaa116. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyaa116. [Epub ahead of print]
Inpatient and outpatient case prioritization for patients with neuro-oncologic disease amid the COVID-19 pandemic: general guidance for neuro-oncology practitioners from the AANS/CNS Tumor Section and Society for Neuro-Oncology.
Ramakrishna R, Zadeh G, Sheehan JP, Aghi MK.
J Neurooncol. 2020 Apr 9:1-5. doi: 10.1007/s11060-020-03488-7. [Epub ahead of print]
Endoscopic Skull Base and Transoral Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Minimizing Droplet Spread with a Negative-Pressure Otolaryngology Viral Isolation Drape (NOVID).
David AP, Jiam NT, Reither JM, Gurrola JG 2nd, Aghi M, El-Sayed IH.
Head Neck. 2020 May 1. doi: 10.1002/hed.26239. [Epub ahead of print] Review.
Letter: Evaluation and Surgical Treatment of Functional Neurosurgery Patients With Implanted Deep Brain Stimulation and Vagus Nerve Stimulation Pulse Generators During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Gross RE, Buetefisch CM, Miocinovic S, Bullinger KL, Okun MS, Ostrem JL, Foote KD, Starr PA.
Neurosurgery. 2020 May 7. pii: nyaa185. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyaa185. [Epub ahead of print]
Scoring system to triage patients for spine surgery in the setting of limited resources: Application to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Sciubba DM, Ehresman J, Pennington Z, Lubelski D, Feghali J, Bydon A, Chou D, Elder BD, Elsamadicy AA, Goodwin CR, Goodwin ML, Harrop J, Klineberg EO, Laufer I, Lo SL, Neuman BJ, Passias PG, Protopsaltis T, Shin JH, Theodore N, Witham TF, Benzel EC.
World Neurosurg. 2020 May 29. pii: S1878-8750(20)31204-3. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.05.233. [Epub ahead of print]
Consensus-based perioperative protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mummaneni PV, Burke JF, Chan AK, Sosa JA, Lobo EP, Mummaneni VP, Antrum S, Berven SH, Conte MS, Doernberg SB, Goldberg AN, Hess CP, Hetts SW, Josephson SA, Kohi MP, Ma CB, Mahadevan VS, Molinaro AM, Murr AH, Narayana S, Roberts JP, Stoller ML, Theodosopoulos PV, Vail TP, Wienholz S, Gropper MA, Green A, Berger MS.
J Neurosurg Spine. 2020 Oct 2:1-9. doi: 10.3171/2020.6.SPINE20777. Online ahead of print.
The state of neuro-oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic: a worldwide assessment.
Mrugala MM, Ostrom QT, Pressley SM, Taylor JW, Thomas AA, Wefel JS, Coven SL, Acquaye AA, Haynes C, Agnihotri S, Lim M, Peters KB, Sulman EP, Salcido JT, Butowski NA, Hervey-Jumper S, Mansouri A, Oliver KR, Porter AB, Nassiri F, Schiff D, Dunbar EM, Hegi ME, Armstrong TS, van den Bent MJ, Chang SM, Zadeh G, Chheda MG.
Neurooncol Adv. 2021 Feb 20;3(1):vdab035. doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdab035. eCollection 2021 Jan-Dec.
COVID Conundrum: Postoperative COVID-19 Infections Following Endonasal Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery.
Young JS, Oh T, Arora T, Blevins LS, Aghi MK, El-Sayed IH, Kunwar S, Theodosopoulos PV.
Neurosurgery. 2021 Mar 8;nyab054. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyab054. Online ahead of print.
Loneliness and symptom burden in oncology patients during the COVID‐19 pandemic.
Miaskowski C, Paul SM, Snowberg K, Abbott M, Borno HT, Chang SM, Chen LM, Cohen B, Cooper BA, Hammer MJ, Kenfield SA, Kober KM, Laffan A, Levine JD, Pozzar R, Rhoads K, Tsai KK, Van Blarigan EL, Van Loon K.
Cancer. 2021 Apr 27. doi: 10.1002/cncr.33603. Online ahead of print.
Assessment of deep brain stimulation candidacy during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned and future directions for neuropsychologists
Palmese CA, Wyman-Chick KA, Racine C, Pollak LE, Lin G, Farace E, Tran B, Floden D, Bobholz J, Turner TH, York MK; Neuropsychology Focus Group of the Functional Neurosurgical Working Group (FNSWG) of the Parkinson Study Group (PSG).
Clin Neuropsychol. 2021 May 24:1-13. doi: 10.1080/13854046.2021.1929496. Online ahead of print.
Webinars & Podcasts
UCSF’s Experience with COVID-19 in the Midst of the California Shelter-in-Place Order
CNS Virtual Visiting Professor Series, featuring UCSF neurosurgeon Praveen Mummaneni, MD. 2020 Mar 27.
COVID 2020 - Chapter 8: San Francisco
Neurosurgery Podcast, featuring UCSF neurosurgeon Dean Chou, MD. 2020 Apr 3.
Coping with Forgetfulness During COVID-19
UCSF Department of Psychiatry, featuring UCSF neuropsychologist Christina Weyer Jamora, RN, PhD. 2020 Apr 23.
Coping with Brain Cancer During COVID-19
Living Well After Brain Cancer Treatment, Webinar Series for Patients. 2020 Apr 29.
Spinal Exams in the Brave New World of Telemedicine
UCSF MedConnection, featuring UCSF neurosurgeon Sanjay Dhall, MD. 2020 Jun 26.