We are excited to share with you a new group recently formed here at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland (BCHO), Women in Surgery. Lauren Ostling, MD (Neurosurgery), who identified some of the challenges unique to women in surgery and the disparity of women surgeons in the workplace, founded this group in 2018. She knew this small population of women would have a unique perspective and bringing eveyone together would be meaningful.
The Women in Surgery group was initially created to establish an environment of support, but with growing interest and attendance, their work has grown to extend beyond the walls of this hospital. They are currently working on empowerment strategies for local underprivileged students within our community to provide information and exposure to life as a female surgeon. The group is also focusing on career development, tackling issues unique to female surgeons, outreach and support. Current areas of interest also include improving breastfeeding access within the hospital, childcare services for BCHO, and pay equity.
Members include Chau Tai, MD (Plastic Surgery, Division Chief); Coleen Sabatini, MD, MPH (Orthopaedic Surgery, Division Chief); Ravi Brar, MD, MPH (Orthopaedic Surgery); and Garani Nadaraja, MD (Otolaryngology, Medical Director). The group welcomes any additional female surgeons at BCHO who are interested in joining.

Originally published in BCHO's Newsletter from the Associate Dean's Office.