Neurosurgery Community Internship Programs (NCIP): How Can I Help?

All individuals can help by donating to our partner non-profit organizations:

All individuals of any role can also help by:

  • Joining a career panel and answering questions about your career path / interests (1 hr)
  • Sharing these programs with others who may be able to participate or support our efforts
  • Encourage your family, friends, and community members to join us




The following guide contains ideas for creating interactive activities with high school and college-age pre-med students, based on your professional or community role.


Who do I contact to participate in NCIP?

Contact Yesenia Velásquez ([email protected]) to participate as a host or mentor, confirm dates for each cycle (Fall/Spring/Summer), or discuss how to support NCIP.

Tips on interacting with youth, including children, teenagers, and college-age students:

  • With slides: Use many images (people & tech tools) and bullet points or concise text
  • With talking: Explain professional terms / jargon, use “I” or “we” statements and stories
  • With stories: Students love stories, this can open up more conversations and questions
  • With activities: Concise instructions, walk through steps in action, repetition = practice
  • With stations, for example:
    • Mount Zion Surgical Center: Scrub up, suture knot-tying, laparoscopic technique
    • Baraban Lab: Identify female & male zebrafish, stages of development, pipetting
